6.8.4      Bolus-Calculator (F7)


In the menu Tools Bolus calculator or with the F7-button you are able to open the Bolus-Calculator of SiDiary:




The bolus calculator will be permanently displayed on the right side of the logbook. The target value (the average value of your target range – in our example it is 105 -  because the target range is between 70 and 140), the correction ratio and the carb ratio will be entered automatically by SiDiary, depending on what you have predefined in your therapy data. Please consider that this automatic process is only available in the detail logbook. In the CT-logbook you can enter all your information manually. You can also overwrite these entries manual in the detail logbook.


The usage is very simple. You only have to enter your data – for example your blood glucose and carbohydrates – and then click on Calculate. The bolus calculator will always adopt the blood glucose and the carbohydrates active column.

The result is displayed under the Calculate-Button:




You can see in our example that not only the result is displayed, but also the calculation method. In certain situations the bolus calculator will not display a suggestion. As you can see in the right picture, the blood glucose value is below the limit of 65mg/dl. This is a safety function of SiDiary, which can not be switched off (and that we will not change).


There won't be a suggestion also, if you did not enter a current blood glucose value, because your blood glucose value could be too low and a correction by an additional carb unit and/or reduction of insulin could be necessary.





The results of the bolus calculator can only be as accurate as your entered values. They are only a calculating help – not a therapy suggestion!

You should always recalculate/control the results and also consider situations that can influence the carbohydrates and the insulin effect such as:



Please discuss the further procedure in these cases with your diabetologist or your diabetes team!


If you do not know your carb ratio / correction rules you should not use this calculator! You should also not use this calculator if your diabetes team supplied you with a chart that advises you how much insulin to inject at witch blood glucose level.  




6.8 Menu „Tools“